Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Making Video plans for 2008

I'm not sure whether or not I'll do all this, but here's the tentative thematic plan for making videos:
1. The "two Islams". I see a bifurcation in Islam which originates from the Koran itself. The revelatory sequence of the Koran even per Muslim scholars shows a "peaceful" Islam until Medina, but a "warlike" Islam from Medina onwards. See, the Koran you have is not compiled in its chronological order, just as Bible is not. You can find the "Revelatory Sequence in the Koran" article by Mughal at faithfreedom.org, which lists sources for the information, if you're interested. He only used Muslim sources, to keep it neutral.

This split between the two Islams has carried down through the centuries, and of course we see it today with most painful clarity on nightly television, via terrorists, demonstrators, and the 57 Islamic nations being extremely hateful. But I'll bet most any individual Muslim you know, is rather peace-loving, in the West. I don't think the split is an East-West one, but one which more accurately depicts what parts of the Qu'ran the INDIVIDUAL buys. The hadiths are all extremely warlike and nasty: that they are sunnah (required as articles of faith or you're deemed an apostate, not Muslim) tells you that the warlike interpretation is the more mainstream.

2. Top 10 stupidities in BOTH Islam and Christianity. All too often people don't read their holy books, so many myths about what's IN their books, circulate across the centuries. Roman Catholicism invented many of the Christian myths; many Islamic myths come from Roman Catholicism, gnosticism, and other sources. So these myths end up being stupidities believed and defended by people who don't even bother to research their own holy books. I'm sure you could do similar videos on other religions as well, but I won't do them.

3. More God101 basics. Muslims forever misread Bible. So when they quote it to make their claims, they reveal themselves fools and others just laugh at their misuse. That's embarrassing for them. Additionally, Christians often misread Bible too, and when they misuse it, others laugh at them. Ok: let's end the embarrassment. It's fine, normal, no shame to make mistakes. But it's not fine, and VERY shameful, to not correct mistakes. Obviously you'll have to vet what the video will say for I can make mistakes too, lol! Good. Then we all learn something!

4. Spiritual Physics. This is a main theme in my webpages, but its points are scattered. God WANTS to unite all truth, no matter how bad, and make it worth having. This attitude is quintessentially expressed in four Hebrew words, "wa-tsahali, lo-hala!" in Isa54:1. Roughly translated, it means "trillingly rejoice, you who never writhed (in pregnancy)" Idea that what is no good for anything, is made BETTER than all.

So Christ was made the worst, the repositary of all sin -- so bearing, bears all! That's a Divine Decree (started in Isa52:13). Parallel passages are in Ephesians 1:15-23 (explaining how it's accomplished), 1 Cor 12's "unpresentable parts" (w/dokew verses preceding, 1Cor12:22ff), Romans 5-9 (whole chapters), Book of Hebrews (main theme of that book), all the low made high type verses (i.e., "valley..exalted"), etc.

So a video summarizing God's Spiritual physics to accomplish this goal is needed. All the secular rules of physics reflect the spiritual ones; I didn't know that, until someone gave me Dr. Hawking's A Brief History of Time (I think that was the title). I was newly learning the Hebrew of Isaiah 53:10-12 at that time, and the parallels between the verse (which is the Grand Central Station of Bible) and what Dr. Hawking said, struck me. So too, string theory.

These concepts are immediately clear, because they are in the Bible -- math would be your closest empirical observation of truth, and if God then Truth is His Attribute so DUH OF COURSE there would be a parallelling of truth throughout all math. And here's the theory of everything: "if A, then -A", a hupostasis principle, uniting of opposites you can empirically observe everywhere you look and everywhere in math. So making a video on Spiritual Physics is a dream of mine. Yeah, if I can only find the time!

I have no idea when I can make these videos. Each video takes me a good 8 hours or more to make, because I'm new to Windows Movie Maker, and I want to avoid any copyright infringements. So I can't promise when these videos will be made, and even if I'll get to make them in 2008.

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