Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Videos in Youtube and BlipTV

Because Google no longer allows video descriptions to show and their flv download files are so fuzzy, I've pretty much stopped posting videos to Google. However, Google merged with Youtube, so when you search in Google for "brainouty" (Youtube nick) or "brainout" (bliptv nick), you'll still get a listing of my videos.

These videos are often technical Bible searches to prove some doctrine from the Hebrew and Greek; all such videos are far better viewed in bliptv, which provides you with the ORIGINAL movie file I made, for view and download. (The Youtube videos contain crosslinks to the bliptv versions, since Youtube can't display them.) Also, my webpages often have the playlists of these videos embedded. So if you search on "brainouty" in Google, you can get the Youtube links, which in turn will have the bliptv links in their descriptions.

Sorry this is so complicated, but it's a pistol to provide readable (and downloadable) fullscreen videos anywhere else but via bliptv. Hope all the crosslinking makes it easier on you, as you navigate between my videos and webpages!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

New Isaiah 53 videos and revisions

I learned the key to Isaiah 53's Hebrew meter, and it's based on God's Orchestration of Time rules! So now I can prove no Hebrew text is missing in Isa53:10-11, which means retooling all of my webpages to reflect that. Exegetical videos on Isaiah 53 "Hypothesis #4" are in my Youtube "brainout-made Isaiah 53" playlist. The playlist itself is embedded within Isa53trans.htm, so you can just load that page. It includes a handy Hebrew alphabet video, as half the battle in learning Hebrew is to recognize the letters. The rest you'll pick up quickly as you read each verse, if you're using 1Jn1:9 (principle of John 14:26, Holy Spirit causes learning to be MUCH faster than humanly normal, since this is the Word of God you're required to know).

I have to remake the videos on Isaiah 52:13-15 exegesis for better visuals. Soundtrack will not change. The visuals are much better in the Hypothesis #4 videos (latest ones). The "threading" (practice of bringing old Divine Writ forward into new writing) is really easy to trace in Isaiah, so there are also videos on Threading which use Isaiah 52:15 as an easy example.

The more sophisticated method of threading via use of meter was a real surprise, covered in the Hypothesis #4 videos. I'm still in shock about it, and will be revising the prior material as a result. Meanwhile you have the videos and their Youtube links (to pages not referenced elsewhere) for the latest updates. Enjoy!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Video format choices

Apparently Google only downloads in avi format. But now allows you to download in either .wmv or .flv formats. These latter two are better quality. So I'll gradually be uploading all my Youtube videos to both Google and If you can't wait that long, go to my Youtube "brainouty" page, send me a message (or make a comment) that you want a particular video uploaded and in what format. If you don't have a Youtube account, then just email me: you can get the email address from my home page (I can't print it here or I'll get spammed). Thanks.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Uploading to Google and Bliptv Schedule.

I use Youtube as the main video upload source as "brainouty"; but since you can't download from there, I went to Google; it doesn't yet have all my Youtube videos. Problem is, Google won't convert to .flv, so I also have an account at Bliptv as "brainout".

Spiritual Maturation parts 11-13b are now uploaded. It will take time to upload the next 9, which cover Spiritual Childhood and Adolescence, plus the introduction to Spiritual Adulthood. I cannot fix the sound, because I recorded the episodes on a bad digital recorder. I have a new one, now. So just turn down the sound, or use Creative Soundblaster's EAS mode to remove the hissing, and it will be better.

I will be uploading to bliptv as well: it doesn't yet have the Spiritual Maturation series, but does have the new series on "How Satan Deploys Islam". Frankly, bliptv is the easiest viewing and download source, so I plan to upload all Youtube videos there. You can RSS link to any of them, or to the entire show page which gives you access to all videos at once. It's much easier than Google.

So please be patient with me as I upload videos to both Google and bliptv. I'm trying to do at least one a day, but don't always meet that goal. Again, thank you for your patience!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Spiritual Physics Videos are done!

The five verbs of Isa53:10-11 in the LXX are the verbs depicting how God plundered Christ on the Cross and then plunders His Mind INTO us, post-salvation. So it's not surprising that these same five verbs solve unified field theory conundra. So I did the "Spiritual Physics" videos (#4 on my wishlist of videos to make for 2008, earlier post here). You can find them at Google by searching on "brainout", or in Youtube by searching on "brainouty". The "Spiritual Physics, Summary" video summarizes the impact on secular physics in its first five minutes, but it might not make much sense if you'd not heard all five of the videos prior.

Lots of stuff in my webpages on spiritual physics. I didn't think it would be so easy to make videos sketching the process panoramically. God must have enabled it to be easy, huh.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The truth of Islam, put to a satirical song, copyrighted. I emailed him for permission to post: I found this at LiveLeak. But if he says "no", I'll withdraw this post. Here's the songwriter's own link:

Yes, it's blunt. It's about time we stopped pussyfooting with these liars. Investigate the history of Islam, investigate how Muslims are brutalized in their own countries, investigate their history of terrorism: it's not new in history, it's an anti-semitic terrorism cloaked as a "religion" -- yeah, a religion of death. Here's the video from, from username "DMartyr". You can also find it at Youtube by user "ilovefreedom". Title is "It's in the Koran" in either location.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Making Video plans for 2008

I'm not sure whether or not I'll do all this, but here's the tentative thematic plan for making videos:
1. The "two Islams". I see a bifurcation in Islam which originates from the Koran itself. The revelatory sequence of the Koran even per Muslim scholars shows a "peaceful" Islam until Medina, but a "warlike" Islam from Medina onwards. See, the Koran you have is not compiled in its chronological order, just as Bible is not. You can find the "Revelatory Sequence in the Koran" article by Mughal at, which lists sources for the information, if you're interested. He only used Muslim sources, to keep it neutral.

This split between the two Islams has carried down through the centuries, and of course we see it today with most painful clarity on nightly television, via terrorists, demonstrators, and the 57 Islamic nations being extremely hateful. But I'll bet most any individual Muslim you know, is rather peace-loving, in the West. I don't think the split is an East-West one, but one which more accurately depicts what parts of the Qu'ran the INDIVIDUAL buys. The hadiths are all extremely warlike and nasty: that they are sunnah (required as articles of faith or you're deemed an apostate, not Muslim) tells you that the warlike interpretation is the more mainstream.

2. Top 10 stupidities in BOTH Islam and Christianity. All too often people don't read their holy books, so many myths about what's IN their books, circulate across the centuries. Roman Catholicism invented many of the Christian myths; many Islamic myths come from Roman Catholicism, gnosticism, and other sources. So these myths end up being stupidities believed and defended by people who don't even bother to research their own holy books. I'm sure you could do similar videos on other religions as well, but I won't do them.

3. More God101 basics. Muslims forever misread Bible. So when they quote it to make their claims, they reveal themselves fools and others just laugh at their misuse. That's embarrassing for them. Additionally, Christians often misread Bible too, and when they misuse it, others laugh at them. Ok: let's end the embarrassment. It's fine, normal, no shame to make mistakes. But it's not fine, and VERY shameful, to not correct mistakes. Obviously you'll have to vet what the video will say for I can make mistakes too, lol! Good. Then we all learn something!

4. Spiritual Physics. This is a main theme in my webpages, but its points are scattered. God WANTS to unite all truth, no matter how bad, and make it worth having. This attitude is quintessentially expressed in four Hebrew words, "wa-tsahali, lo-hala!" in Isa54:1. Roughly translated, it means "trillingly rejoice, you who never writhed (in pregnancy)" Idea that what is no good for anything, is made BETTER than all.

So Christ was made the worst, the repositary of all sin -- so bearing, bears all! That's a Divine Decree (started in Isa52:13). Parallel passages are in Ephesians 1:15-23 (explaining how it's accomplished), 1 Cor 12's "unpresentable parts" (w/dokew verses preceding, 1Cor12:22ff), Romans 5-9 (whole chapters), Book of Hebrews (main theme of that book), all the low made high type verses (i.e., "valley..exalted"), etc.

So a video summarizing God's Spiritual physics to accomplish this goal is needed. All the secular rules of physics reflect the spiritual ones; I didn't know that, until someone gave me Dr. Hawking's A Brief History of Time (I think that was the title). I was newly learning the Hebrew of Isaiah 53:10-12 at that time, and the parallels between the verse (which is the Grand Central Station of Bible) and what Dr. Hawking said, struck me. So too, string theory.

These concepts are immediately clear, because they are in the Bible -- math would be your closest empirical observation of truth, and if God then Truth is His Attribute so DUH OF COURSE there would be a parallelling of truth throughout all math. And here's the theory of everything: "if A, then -A", a hupostasis principle, uniting of opposites you can empirically observe everywhere you look and everywhere in math. So making a video on Spiritual Physics is a dream of mine. Yeah, if I can only find the time!

I have no idea when I can make these videos. Each video takes me a good 8 hours or more to make, because I'm new to Windows Movie Maker, and I want to avoid any copyright infringements. So I can't promise when these videos will be made, and even if I'll get to make them in 2008.

New Iranian Movie on Muslim Jesus and how to research in Qu'ran

(A duplicate of this post is in my Yahoo blog page for that audience.)

There's a new movie upcoming which is made in Iran about the Muslim Jesus. Actually, it's about the SHI'ITE version of Jesus in the Qu'ran, which is quite different from other Muslim sects. Frankly, the Shi'ites can't read Qu'ran very well on this topic.

Qu'ran doesn't really say Christ didn't die on the Cross. The Arabic hedges. Further, it doesn't name any replacement -- Shi'ites say Judas was hung on the cross instead, which history proves incorrect. But then, history proves the claim He didn't die on the Cross incorrect, too: 1) his enemies gloated over his death on the cross, 2) Roman chroniclers wanting to please Rome talked about it (i.e., Tacitus and Josephus), and 3) a BIZILLION wanna-be-bible 'gospels' of gossipy lies came out in wake of His Death, all of them wanting to cash in on the fame of his death. The more popular of these gossipy stories are called "Apochrypha", in theology. (Roughly akin to all the videos of Saddam Hussain's execution on Youtube, or any other popular real event. They didn't have video cameras or cellphones in the 1st century AD, so people wrote stories, rather than make pictures.)

So now, it becomes important to know the Qu'ran itself, if you're gonna watch the movie once it comes out.
  • So go to 's forums and look up the following threads inside the
  • "Jesus is God says Koran". Passim in each one, you'll find this topic of whether Jesus died on the Cross discussed and exegeted (rightly AND wrongly), from the Arabic by both sides (pro-Islam and against).
You can evaluate the text itself even if you don't know Arabic well, by using the following online sources. If you already know Bible Hebrew it will be very fast and easy to learn the Arabic, slow to learn the idioms. (Arabic generally changes the Hebrew "m" to "n", and has the same roots). Here are online sources:
  • . What you do, is select sura at left, then view the verse at right. You can click on the Arabic word, or on the Arabic below the translation. Or, click on the verse number to see all the variations in translation (use the literal one if you want to learn Arabic, for it follows the Arabic word order, even though the literal translation is often not the best one). Unfortunately, openburhan's Arabic-English translation is not helpful, EXCEPT that it sticks to root meanings: which means it doesn't really translate the word for you, but shows its SEMANTIC SPREAD. That's critical to languages like Hebrew and Arabic, as each word will be used in WORDPLAY, so semantic spread is a main literary feature of both Bible and Qu'ran. You cannot interpret either one accurately, absent knowing the semantic spread in the words used.
  • At openburhan you can download a free Qu'ran Viewer which has Arabic, transliteration, and Yusuf Ali translation. I recommend it because although its search engine is limited to one word at a time, you get a READABLE Arabic alphabet (it's hard to read the letters, else), and you get all the occurrences of the word in Yusuf Ali (who tends to translate the same Arabic words the same way throughout). Download the AskSam version of Koran (only in English translation) if you want to do multiple-word searches. I also have Alim 4-in-1 Qu'ran software which has the hadiths (not always sahih), but it has a terrible search engine. Online Bible's Koran didn't work in my XP Professional Service Pack 2, so I can't recommend it yet.
  • Project RootSearch at islamcity. Project Rootsearch demands you know the roots of the Arabic word (which are almost always the same as the Hebrew roots), and you can specify a verse to see that root. Then, pick the last three CONSONANTS (or last two) in the word, and you can access the classical Arabic dictionary there. You need CLASSICAL (not modern) Arabic to properly analyze the verse. Lane's dictionary is used, even though he's not Arab, so the Muslims respect it.
  • Arabic Transliteration Search Engine at islamcity. This is really helpful when working with openburhan, and speeds learning of both Arabic and how to read the transliteration. The Search engine will bring up all occurrences of the same transliterated string. It also recognizes sound-alikes, which is helpful as transliteration is not standardized. What's MOST helpful about it, is that it ALSO will bring up all MORPHOLOGIES of the same words. That's the closest thing to what BibleWorks does, and you really need to see the morphologies. Speeds learning. I love this search engine, some folks really worked hard on it.
  • University of Southern California's Muslim Compendium of Texts is run by Muslims. I've never been able to get its search engine to work, but supposedly the full Qu'ran and all the respected hadiths are there, plus the 'official' position on Islamic issues by 'official' Muslims. Frankly its misconception #2 is alone enough to make anyone DISbelieve in Islam, and itself is a kind of shirk (worst thing you can do in Islam, put anyone on par with God), so to be a Muslim you must be an apostate, lol. But you evaluate that for yourself.
After you do the research above, you'll see how cagey the Qu'ran itself really is about the nature and Deity of Christ, about His Death on the cross, etc. Since at the time Muhammed wrote the Qu'ran (no, he was not illiterate, Qu'ran dispels that myth too) the history about Christ had been out for 600 years, obviously anything in Qu'ran contradicting that history is a flat lie. Today's revisionists are trying to do the same thing, but you have 600 years! of people acting on the history of His Death, Burial and Resurrection so you know He really lived and people fought over Him. So duh -- this is a real person, and Qu'ran itself in the Arabic doesn't actually DENY the Bible, and says itself, that it's an UPDATE on the Bible (which is not true, but that claim is a claim that the Bible is valid).

Look: lots of myths are in Christianity which are not in Bible (i.e., Bible NEVER says there was a star in Bethlehem, as covered in Part IVa of Thinking series). So you'd expect that there would be a lot of myths in Islam, too. This idea of Christ not dying on the Cross is one of them. Enjoy the movie once it comes out. If there are Youtube videos made of it, I'll put them in my Youtube page, accessible from my homepage at -- just click on the "Jump to" drop down menu to go there.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Translation note on Bible verses used in my Videos

When I make the video, I often directly translate from the original-language texts as I'm reading them on computer and talking/writing for the movie. I read the original-language text in BibleWorks version 5, and often the translation made is spontaneous, as I'm talking or writing in the movie window. This means I'll use modern colloquialisms to convey the idea represented in the original-language text; obviously all the many layers of real meaning there, will not be translated. So you should look at the original text, too.

Bible uses wordplay in every word in the Word. So you have skyscrapers of stacked meanings. You detect these best by searching on the roots, for Hebrew, and comparing to the root meaning layers in the other words. For Greek, you think like a thesaurus, along similar ideas expressed by each word.

The purpose of this endlessly-multi-layered writing is to demonstrate OMNISCIENCE, so you know the text is not merely of human origin. The text itself demonstrates the Real Author behind it, first by the character of the author demonstrated (God's Character revealed): so Omniscience being one of His Characteristics, is demonstrated by the hubbing-everywhere-conceptually nature of the text itself. I submit this is the way to conclusively prove whether God 'wrote' something via human hand (not dictation but inspiration, see doctrine of Verbal Plenary Inspiration).

Sometimes there is too much text to quickly translate (i.e., when quoting many sections of John 17); so I just use a translation like New American Standard or New International Version. So if you see a difference from the Bible version you have and the video quotation, that's why.